I've been hearing so much praise for this novel and I quite enjoyed it myself, I just wasn't blown away like I expected to be, but please don't hate, I'm just a silly girl with a strange book taste. ;)
Firstly, I liked how the novel was set in Australia and London, two destinations that I adore so it was interesting to read about those two places. Furthermore, I thought the jokes between Lucy and Nathan were a cute addition and even if most of them were plain silly, some of them really cracked me up! On the other hand, that seemed like a cheap way of entertaining the reader and personally I prefer to be amused by the writing and the dialogue. I just appreciate that more because it's harder to achieve, but nonetheless these little jokes were a lovely touch and made the budding relationship even cuter.
I didn't quite warm up to Lucy, I thought she wasn't the best narrator ever (even though she had her good moments), but I quite liked the two guys. Obviously Nathan had more good points going for him, but I found James quite well-portrayed (he had the most dimension, I think) so I could understand Lucy's dilemma, at least at the beginning and then it was just plain obvious where her heart was. Speaking of which, I found the relationship between Lucy and Nathan a bit too sudden and too convenient, albeit cute, but by the end it was simply too corny, shame. All in all, I thought the theme itself (being caught between two men aka emotional cheating) was very interesting, but I just don't think this was the most interesting executing I've ever read (a similar theme was occured for example in Virgin Blue by Tracy Chevalier and I thought it was more emotional and 'real', same for Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin, both excellent books). Oh and also, is it just me or was the topic of cheating underdeveloped? It was supposed to be a life changing thing, but I thought it was too quickly brushed aside and not investigated enough.
Personally, I found the novel to be sort of badly written, firstly because the writing itself was really simple and also because I thought there were several events and characters that contributed hardly anything to the main story. I also thought certain things were too detailed for no apparent reason. Sometimes I just had this feeling that the author was just trying to fill the pages ...
What I liked by far the most about this book is the cover, which is simply goooorgeous! That's why I'll most likely be buying Ms Paige's other two novels, simply because I feel the urge to own such beautiful books, can't resist them (yes, I know this is silly, but I don't care, must have these books). I'm just hoping the other two novels will be better. I'm not saying this was a bad book, far from it, it's a lovely summer read, but very very light and simple and not particularly funny (apart from the jokes). It's a cute read, but I think there's definitely room for improvement. :)
overall rating: 3/5
plot: 3/5 | writing: 3/5 | characters: 3/5 | cover: 5/5
Woah, you really shocked me there ^^ I totally love this book. Everything about it. The jokes, the characters, the plot, the writing and especially the cover.
Hope you'll like the other 2 ones more. I adore all 3 but I think this one is my favourite. Though... hm... Chasing Daisy was amazing too and so was Johnny be good. Aaaah I can't decide ^^
But don't worry. I don't hate you :-p
Oh by the way, where did you MKs-Review go?
Hopefully, I will be getting a Paige Ton book soon, hope I like it...
Thanks for the award too, it was very sweet of you to pass it back :)
Looked at your bookshelf photo - omg! Your shelves are gorg!! I love the fact that they go into the corner. You have so given me the idea now and I want to do that. We are decorating and one of the rooms is going to be my reading room or 'library' (not that its' very big) but I love the idea about a corner unit, get so many more books up by utilising the space.
You are a very lucky girl x
Johnny Be Good is a definite improvement, and Chasing Daisy is even better than that, so I would recommend you read the next two! Paige Toon also brings her characters back so look out for Lucy and Nathan in JBG :) Shame you didn't enjoy it all that much though! Chloe@chicklitreviews
Rebekka - I apologize for the shock, I was quite surprised myself though, hehe. As I said, I did enjoy the book and some bits were quite cool, but overall it just lacked something to make it stand out (apart from the cover). Nonetheless, not too bad for a debut!
As for the MK review, I removed it for now as I just didn't feel comfortable posting it. I didn't want to ruin anyone's expectations or reading of the book and I could be completely wrong, who knows. I'll post it again once the book's out and everyone will have their own opinion on the matter, I just don't want to negatively influence anyone. ;)
Book Chick City - Thanks! I have this bookcase, which basically consists of several normal units that turn into a corner one with this little thingy - that's all there is to it. Ikea magic! And it's wonderful because not only is it cheap, but you save a lot of space, like you said, plus you can add extensions all the time and adjust shelves to your needs etc. - what more could a bookworm possibly wish for, haha. ;)
Chloe - Yep, I'm counting on the other two being better, but I won't be gutted if they're not - I won't regret spending my money because those books are so gorgeous! :D
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