Q: What’s next for you as a writer?
A: I just finished a YA novel about a heart transplant told in alternating viewpoints between two girls: one who is the heart transplant recipient, and the other girl who is the heart transplant donor. It’s called, IN A HEARTBEAT. In that book, the girl who dies is a very competitive figure skater with Olympic dreams. The girl who gets her heart comes to feel that she’s gotten more than just a heart – she feels that her personality has changed in ways she can’t understand, and she intuitively knows things about her donor that she hasn’t been told. It’s being released in Feb. 2010 – just in time for the winter Olympics:).
For the record: I REALLY, REALLY WANT THIS BOOK! Some super lucky people have already received ARCs of this and I guess the rest of us will just have to wait, boo. :(
You're right, that one sounds fabulous. Reminds me a bit of Cecelia's "Thanks for the memories" though which was basically the same - just with blood instead of a heart :) Anyway, loooove those kinds of stories!
This is quite a popular theme for movies and books, but I would still read it. And I agree, the cover is super duper ;)
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