As we all know, Prince William and Kate Middleton are getting married in a few months (BIG WHOOP?) and the world has gone gaga over their upcoming wedding, which resulted in several royal-wedding-themed books too! Most of them are non-fiction about the couple itself, but there a couple of authors who have been inspired by this event and have decided to use it for a fictional story ... Below are two examples, which both sound FANTASTIC (espesh the first one) and I can't wait to read them, although I'm honestly not that into royal wedding - I guess I'm more interested in what goes on behind the scenes, which is exactly what the books provide, yay. :)
by Sophie Page[26th April 2011] One night is about to change Bella’s life for ever…
Bella Greenwood isn’t a fairytale girl. If pushed, she’d probably tell you that her perfect wedding would involve a handful of close friends and family. But as she’s never met anyone she’d like to marry, it’s a moot point.
Until, in a midnight garden, Bella is helped out of an embarrassing situation by a tall, dark, handsome man with laughing eyes. And suddenly her life changes for ever, because the man is the world’s most eligible bachelor: Prince Richard, heir to the throne.
Richard sweeps her off her feet, and before she knows it they’re engaged. Which is when Bella’s problems really begin. Suddenly she is public property, and as if it isn’t enough to have her every move watched – while also learning to curtsy and negotiating the etiquette of how to address her future mother-in-law – she soon finds herself embroiled in bridesmaid politics, a right royal hen night, and a wedding dress controversy that causes a national scandal…
Can this ordinary girl survive the preparations for her very own Royal Wedding?
[OMG, this sounds SO GOOD! The cover's a bit noring though - I mean, where's the tiara?!]KATE'S WEDDING
by Chrissie Manby[31st March 2011] Thirty-nine-year-old Kate had almost given up on love when she met her fiancé. Now she's planning for the wedding she never dreamed she'd have. But things seem to be slipping out of her control.
Diana, born on the day of the 1981 Royal Wedding, never doubted that one day she would find her prince. Newly engaged, and with daddy's credit card in her grasp, she's in full Bridezilla mode.
Against the backdrop of the other couple getting married in April 2011, both women prepare for the most important day of their lives. But will each bride get her perfect day? Or will it all become a right royal fiasco?
So, what do you think? Anyone else guilty of a bit of royal wedding fever? :)
I love weddings an I always cry at wedding.
I think that my own wedding shall be royal even if I am not going to marry the prince of England but I will marry a better prince; the prince of my dreams...
Every time I pass by your blog it makes me feel happy and soft inside so, I have awarded you ; The Stylish Blog award because I adore the layout of your; pink always makes me happy...
I'm definitely going to be looking for the Chrissie Manby book!
Here's Mine
Kate's Wedding by Chrissie Manyby is a MUST.. Wonderful read, I could not put it down!
How sweet. What a fun theme :) So perfect for Spring and the upcoming wedding season :)
Here is what I'm wishing on this WLW
I definitely have Royal Wedding fever. I so excited for William and Kate's wedding... Honestly, I don't know why! I just live royalty and reading about their lives.
I might have to use Kate's Wedding as a bookclub book for next month. It sounds so good!
I will be sure to add these to my reading list, they sound like fun reads!
Yes, I think the behind the scenes stuff could be very interesting - so these go on my tbr list - thanks!
These books look interesting, I'm also very interested in the royal wedding and I think Kate is gorgeous.
We all have the Royal Wedding Fever ;-)
Thanks for the nice contribution.
For those who want to know more, I have some lovely books listed on our website, including a great photos book:
Take care
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