Congrats, girl! If you can, please email me your postal addresses so I can send out your prizes! :)
On a different note, I was recently contacted by Mandy @ Feminist Review, who found my review of The Finishing Touches interesting enough to post on the site. However, I suggested rewriting my review from a more feminist point of view as I felt the original one was too

Anyway, as I ended up with an extra copy of the book, I figured this is the perfect opportunity for me to do a , don't you think? Sadly I don't have the time to create a Google Doc form right now so we'll make it more simple this time - to be entered, just leave a comment telling me your thoughts on feminism ... Do you consider yourself a feminist? Is this something you're concerned with or it doesn't really bother you much?
Also feel free to let me know if you're a follower or if you tweeted about this giveaway - that'll just make you even more awesome! :)
This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY and it ends on Tuesday, July 20th at midnight your time!
I just have to comment on this!;)
I am not a feminist, as I do not follow feminist topics, read feminist books, etc. but I support my sex wholeheartedly and there are things that bother me. Now, about finishing schools: they should be banned. To me, they support the image of a woman whose only purpose in life is to be pretty for men. A woman should dress up for herself alone and not for anyone else. My vote is for independent women, not for foolish girls who so want everyone's approval.
And one more thing, concerning feminism, I guess. I believe that man and women are not equal and never will be. Why? It's basic things: men can't give birth, most women can't lift heavy boulders etc. BUT, we should all be given equal opportunities in life. We all deserve to be loved, respected and follow our dreams.
That's my two cents.;)
I just going to comment because I think being the second person to comment is pretty special...
Um, well I guess it would be really embarrassing to say I don't know what feminist means so I went and googled it. To be honest I'm kinda stuck in the middle. I believe in being who you are but at the same time I really believe in proper etiquette and stuff like girls should all blossom their talents etc. So in the middle here.
I'm a follower.
I consider myself as a feminist. I think that women should be seen the same way men are; I hate the saying that something is "women's work" and something is "men's work". I understand the fact that physically men and women are not equal, but otherwise it should be like that.
I think that I am a feminist. I may not be an extreme/radical feminist who protests everything, nor do I banish chick lit because it gives women a bad name (or so some say!). But I consider myself a feminist because I will stick up for the rights of other women and for myself.
hmm toughie i guess there is a feminist inside if me, where i feel women should be allowed to be much more independent and respected, given the opportunity to work side by side with a man, i hate that we are underestimated! thanks for the fab contest btw :)
Lets see.... feminism..... I would say I am a feminist in that I believe that women should have equal rights as men. Women should be able to work in positions they are qualified in regardless of their sex and they should get paid accordingly. Its simple fact that there is a pay gap between genders which I think is wrong. HOWEVER, I wish we still lived in a simpler time when the women worked at home, they took care of their children and their homes and their families and that was enough for them and those around them. Now women still do that, but they also work outside the home. I think that gets to be overwhelming. Women are looked down upon if they DONT work outside the home. So I guess I'm also feminist in that I think women who work only at home for her family should be honored as well.
I staunchly support my gender. I hate it when there is discrimination between men and women. But I am not definitely a radical feminist. Some of the radicals think that women should not be in heterosexual relationships! EEKS! I just want women to be allowed their freedom and independence,to be allowed to make their own choices and decisions.
I am a follower too :)
Hmm well I wouldn't call myself a radical feminist but I'm a strong supporter of equal rights and opportunities for men and women. I believe a person should be judged for his or her character and abilities and not based on gender.
Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a follower :9
entrelibros_blog at
I have to agree with the commenter who is stuck in the middle. I believe that women should be treated equally, but each gender should also recognize their uniqueness.
I am a follower.
teresasreadingcorner at gmail dot com
yay, that's me! I already send you an email.
I don't like the word feminist because I immediately think in "women without bra". Not me, I just like my bras, and buying lip gloss and having cute stuff.
But I guess I'm a feminist, because I don't accept or understand discrimination between men and women. I just think we are able to do the same things, and in my brain there isn't something women aren't allowed.
Everyone should be able to be free and be treated with respect, women and men. Sometimes I see some feminist women being irrespective with men, and I don't accept that either. If we want the same treatment, why aren't we treating them with respect?
I just think the world would be better if we all didn't forget about respecting the others, without caring what gender they are. And if we can make our own decisions, doesn't matter if that means having a family, or just concentrating on work, or having both!
I am a follower.
First, I don’t believe in labels. My girls are very athletic, get bruised knees, can run and tumble just as good as the boys... but be incredibly intelligent, ladylike, and love the color pink.
So we fall independent. My only goal in life for my girls. To be loving and caring adults. The rest will fall into place. Nobody can say there is a certain way to act, or a certain way to behave based on sex. Just be your self and respect others. I hate to throw religion in, but I care more about them being Christian than having proper etiquette at the table.
I am a follower.
I loveee your blog. The books you review are just amazing to me.
So as far as this giveaway I am a feminist. I believe that women should have equal rights for everything. I belive that each woman individually should make the decision on what they want to do for themselves. As far as finishing schools I personally disagree with them but respect a woman's decision if that is their choice. I personally am a girly girl and like to look nice for school and dates but then I am not afraid to get down and dirty for my field hockey games and track meets. I have friends that are girly girls and all they care about is looking nice for boys and I have friends that can't stand the idea of things such as finishing schools. But anyways what I'm trying to say is that I support what ever decision each woman makes personally for herself as long as it is her decision and not a forced decision. Pleaseee pick me for this giveaway. I would loveee to own a copy of this amazing book. And please if u could I just started my own blog and would loveee it if u could check it out or tell others to check it out. The website is I have been working on this for a long time but just started actual blogging. Again pleaseeee pick me. And thank you.
I'm a follower!
Well, I guess I used to be a feminist and I still am kind of.. the only thing thats changed for me is the opinion of 'Men and Women are equal'. I do agree, that a woman can do anything a man can, but not most of them (just like This Miss, pointed out).
Its super annoying when girls act helpless and dumb around guys though. You're a woman, not a little baby! Finishing schools are okay I guess, as long as you're doing ti for yourself, to make you more cultured, more well-mannered and things like that. Because, to me, there is nothing wrong with being a girly girl.
Okay, its a bit muddled, but thats what I think.
I consider myself a feminist. I like empowered, strong, independent self-comfident, capable girls. I'm not saying we don't need men, because we do, but we are very well capable of taking care of most things, and there is little which is sexier thana man who respects and is in awe of a woman for her independence and integrity.
Women playing dumb and helpless just to attract men irritate me so much!
The cover of this book looks lovely! Thank you for this giveaway! :-)
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
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