As always, I mean no disrespect or offence, I'm just expressing my humble silly little opinion.

Cover WIN: The original cover that was posted on Chick Lit Reviews, but never confirmed
Cover FAIL: The official cover
I'll admit the original cover doesn't seem to be particulary true to the story as the couple hardly look like they're feuding all over the place, but but but it was so bright and cute and lovely - combined with the awesome plot it would totally make me pick the book up in a bookshop. I swear I would have bought it today if the cover hadn't been changed.
I'm sorry to say, but I strongly dislike the new cover. As you may know, I'm a huge fan of covers with drawings on them, but this drawing is just plain horrible to me - it's a nice concept that seems to fit the story, but terribly executed. As opposed to the previous draft (left), which screams Fun, the new cover tells me this is a story about and thus definitely not something I'd care to read. Which is strange, because I love the sound of the plot, but the cover just completely contrasts with it and thus puts me off too much.
Soooo I'm afraid it appears I'll have to wait for the paperback in this case and hope it gets a better cover before I spend my money on it.
Funnily enough, I've featured the covers of a Robyn Sisman book here before - remember my little rant about the paperback cover of A Hollywood Ending?
Seriously, why fix something that's not broken?
Cover FAIL: The official cover
I'll admit the original cover doesn't seem to be particulary true to the story as the couple hardly look like they're feuding all over the place, but but but it was so bright and cute and lovely - combined with the awesome plot it would totally make me pick the book up in a bookshop. I swear I would have bought it today if the cover hadn't been changed.
I'm sorry to say, but I strongly dislike the new cover. As you may know, I'm a huge fan of covers with drawings on them, but this drawing is just plain horrible to me - it's a nice concept that seems to fit the story, but terribly executed. As opposed to the previous draft (left), which screams Fun, the new cover tells me this is a story about and thus definitely not something I'd care to read. Which is strange, because I love the sound of the plot, but the cover just completely contrasts with it and thus puts me off too much.
Soooo I'm afraid it appears I'll have to wait for the paperback in this case and hope it gets a better cover before I spend my money on it.
Funnily enough, I've featured the covers of a Robyn Sisman book here before - remember my little rant about the paperback cover of A Hollywood Ending?
Seriously, why fix something that's not broken?
The drawing on the official cover is too basic, that's why the appeal is lost. They could have mixed the previous one with the original. Maybe the couple in the original cover could be standing apart or something.
The official cover doesn't look like much fun, and definitely would not tempt me to read this one!
It looks to me like they've decided to aim for an entirely different audience. The first cover is so obviously chick lit and perhaps the publishers don't think chick lit is working for her - or maybe they don't think the book is chick lit.
I actually really love the new cover. It reminds me of Elinor Lipman's covers, which suggests to me they're aiming for maybe an older audience.
Good point, Keris! This cover should definitely appear to the older readers in the late 30s or 40s. It makes me wonder how old the two main characters actually are. I always thought that they were maybe in their early thirties, but they could actually be old, especially based on the new cover ...
I kinda like the official cover. It has a 1920s feel to it for some reason ;)
OMG, I'm in the 30s demographic and it worked!
I'm with you! The new cover is not enjoyable at all!
Oh goodness, apparently there is something to this 30s demographic. I was going to say that I am more drawn to the official cover, too. I am 35. It is really funny how book covers really do either draw us away from or toward a book, even though we learn from an early age we aren't supposed to judge a book that way.
Oh, the official cover is not at all cute!!! Definite Cover fail
The official cover has two angry people on it, and the other cover has two happy people in love on it...why would they pick the angry cover?
the official cover seems really non-fiction-ish :/
Carrie - People the couple is actually at war (so to speak) in the book. :)
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